New Festival Announcements

Masters Of The Riff London 2025

Catch us at our first UK Show - MOTR 2025

SOL Sonic Ride 2025 - 20 Years Of Sound Of Liberation

SOL Birthday Batch - Cologne 

Sonic Blast Fest 2025

We are thrilled to announce that we will perform at Sonic Blast!


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While kicking off 2025 as their third year in their band's history, the Cologne-based trio Daevar announces their third studio album, SUB ROSA. Never slowing down in their musical output and live performances, Daevar continues to redefine their sound in the so-called pocket of Doom Grunge. With SUB ROSA, the trio expands their cloudy lo-fi soundscape with fresh invigorating uptempo bursts and bountiful, melodic songwriting. Building on their previous releases Delirious Rites (2023) and Amber Eyes (2024), Daevar has shaken up the stale pouch of traditional stoner doom structures by capturing the empowering and brutally honest zeitgeist of living in the 20s. This vibrating, spinning era serves as a catalyst for the swirling melodic riffs and soaring, expansive vocals that define the seven anthems of SUB ROSA. With Pardis Latifi's blunt, unapologetic lyrics addressing crushing inequities, grotesque inhumanity, and the growth of independence—especially inspired by J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye—Caspar Orfgen elevates his riffs to a more frenetic and melodic level, while maintaining his gritty, rat-drenched roots and razor sharp, cutting solo sound. All of this is framed by the Grohl-esque drumming of Moritz, who guides you like a steady, weathered hand through the raw atmosphere of SUB ROSA, capturing the anxiety of the 2020s. This hook-laden time capsule of SUB ROSA was once again produced and recorded by Jan Oberg at Hidden Planet Studio and released by The LastingDose Records. Oberg’s studio has evolved into Berlin's own "Space Needle" for the young trio, which blends the feverish grunge drive of Nirvana with the dark, 

brooding essence of doom. 

This whole project of Daevar performing and writing music is build upon love and compassion to the friendship of Pardis, Moritz and Caspar. It goes without saying that this enthusiasm is fueled by a true workaholic mindset and a strong DIY ethic. While Caspar handles the design of all the striking artwork for their releases and merchandise - Moritz creates the visually arresting and atmospheric video content for the music videos and livevisuals, inspired by Pardis' captivating lyrical storytelling and the ethereal, mood-setting, lullaby-like atmosphere the trio crafts with their music. 

Teaming up with the booking agency Sound of Liberation in 2023, Deavar played the crème de la crème of genre festivals in 2024, including Freak Valley Festival, Desertfest Berlin & Antwerp, Up In Smoke, Keep It Low, Stoned From the Underground and so on. They also seized every opportunity to perform in intimate clubs, embarking on an extensive, whirlwind tour and playing their first international shows. In 2025, Deavar will be hitting the road once again with two European tours and appearances at festivals across the UK, Portugal, Poland, and beyond, further solidifying their reputation as one of the hardest-working and most ambitious acts in the doom pocket.

Amber Eyes 

Deliriuos Rites